14-year-old Nya Sigin has received an outpour of love and support from social media this week after a video of a white classmate making racist remarks about her surfaced across the web.

Writer Clarissa Brooks speaks on how she manages to purposefully take up space as a queer Black activist with a large social media platform.

Plus, Donald Trump unveils his ‘New Deal for Black America’ to a largely white crowd and a groundbreaking high school kicker is mocked with Instagram post of gorilla suit.

She criticized today's "new generation" of young people for "complaining and protesting about the murder of young Black men and women by police," but said they had no other plans beyond public protests.

King was on Twitter airing out his thoughts on the importance of making #BlackLivesMatter death videos go viral to bring justice after he was accused of being shady and unethical by Elzie and Mckesson.